Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs
hise Namespace Reference

The entire HISE codebase. More...


 a higher-level API for HISE.


class  AboutPagePanel
 Type-ID: AboutPagePanel More...
class  ActivityLedPanel
 A LED that will light up when an MIDI message was received. More...
class  AhdsrEnvelope
 A pretty common envelope type with 5 states. More...
class  AnalyserEffect
 A analyser that powers one of the available visualisations in HISE (FFT, Oscilloscope or Goniometer. More...
class  ApiClass
 A API class is a class with a fixed number of methods and constants that can be called from Javascript. More...
class  Arpeggiator
 A MIDI arpeggiator. More...
class  ArrayModulator
 This modulator simply returns a constant value that can be used to change the gain or something else. More...
class  AsyncValueTreePropertyListener
 This class can be used to listen to ValueTree property changes asynchronously. More...
class  AudioDisplayComponent
 An AudioDisplayComponent displays the content of audio data and has some areas that can be dragged and send a change message on Mouse up. More...
class  AudioFileEnvelope
 A Envelope Follower that will loop an audio file. More...
class  AudioLooper
 A simple, one-file sample player with looping facitilies. More...
class  AudioProcessorWrapper
 This module is a wrapper for the general purpose AudioProcessor class from JUCE (non-functional at the moment). More...
class  AudioSampleBufferComponentBase
 A waveform component to display the content of a pooled AudioSampleBuffer. More...
class  AudioSampleProcessor
 A Processor that uses an audio sample. More...
class  BalanceCalculator
 Calculates the balance. More...
class  BlockDivider
 This class divides a block into fixed chunks of data. More...
class  CCSwapper
 Swaps two control change numbers. More...
class  Chain
 A Processor that has a dynamic size of child processors. More...
class  ChannelFilterScriptProcessor
 This MIDI processor simply filters messages that do not fit the given channel. More...
class  ChannelSetterScriptProcessor
 Changes the MIDI channel of every incoming message. More...
class  ChorusEffect
 A simple (and rather cheap sounding) chorus effect. More...
class  ConstantModulator
 This modulator simply returns a constant value that can be used to change the gain or something else. More...
class  ControlledObject
 A base class for all objects that need access to a MainController. More...
class  ControlModulator
 A ControlModulator is a non polyphonic TimeVariantModulator which processes midi CC messages. More...
class  ConvolutionEffect
 A convolution reverb using zero-latency convolutionThis is a wrapper for the convolution engine found in WDL (the sole MIT licenced convolution engine available) It is not designed to replace real convolution reverbs (as the CPU usage for impulses > 0.6 seconds is unreasonable), but your early reflection impulses or other filter impulses will be thankful for this effect. More...
class  CopyPasteTarget
 Subclass your component from this class and the main window will focus it to allow copy pasting with shortcuts. More...
class  CurveEq
 A parametriq equalizer with unlimited bands and FFT display. More...
class  CustomKeyboardState
 A keyboard state which adds the possibility of colouring the keys. More...
class  CustomSettingsWindow
 A component that is showing application-wide settings (audio drivers etc.)In order to use it, create and hide the Properties you don't want to show. More...
class  CustomSettingsWindowPanel
 Type-ID: CustomSettings More...
class  DeactiveOverlay
 A overlay that can show critical error messages on the compiled plugin. More...
class  DebugableObject
 Overwrite this method if you want to add debugging functionality to a object. More...
class  DelayedRenderer
 This introduces an artificial delay of max 256 samples and calls the internal processing loop with a fixed number of samples. More...
class  DelayEffect
 A delay effect with time synching and dual channel processing. More...
class  DemoHardcodedScriptProcessor
 This Processor is a demonstration of how to convert a script into a MidiProcessor. More...
class  DialogWindowWithBackgroundThread
 A dialog window that performs an operation on a background thread. More...
struct  Dispatchable
 A base class for objects that need to call dispatched messages. More...
class  DownsampledSmoother
 A lowpass filter that can be used to smooth parameter changes. More...
class  DspInstance
 This objects is a wrapper around the actual DSP module that is loaded from a plugin. More...
class  DynamicScriptingObject
 The base class for all objects that can be created by a script. More...
class  DynamicsEffect
 A general purpose dynamics processor based on chunkware's SimpleCompressor. More...
class  EffectProcessor
 Base class for all Processors that applies a audio effect on the audio data. More...
class  EffectProcessorChain
 A EffectProcessorChain renders multiple EffectProcessors. More...
class  EmptyFX
 A simple effect that does nothing. More...
class  EmptyProcessorEditorBody
 A empty ProcessorEditorBody that is used by a ProcessorEditor if no ProcessorEditorBody is supplied. More...
class  EnvelopeFollower
 This class contains different EnvelopeFollower algorithm as subclasses and some helper methods for preparing the in / output. More...
class  EnvelopeModulator
 A EnvelopeModulator is a base class for all envelope-type modulators. More...
class  EnvelopeModulatorFactoryType
 Allows creation of EnvelopeModulators. More...
class  ExecutionLimiter
 A counter which can be used to limit the frequency for eg. More...
class  FactoryType
 This interface class lets the MainController do its work. More...
class  FileHandlerBase
 The base class for handling external resources. More...
class  FixedVoiceAmountArray
 A simple container holding NUM_POLYPHONIC_VOICES elements of the given ObjectTypeIn order to make this work, the ObjectType must have a standard constructor. More...
class  FloatingInterfaceBuilder
 This class can be used to create interfaces using floating panels in C++. More...
class  FloatingTabComponent
 A tab component that sits within a floating tile. More...
class  FloatingTileBase
 The base class for every panel. More...
class  FloatingTileContainer
 A floating tile container is the base class for components that can host other floating tiles in various arrangements. More...
class  FloatingTileContent
 The base class for all components that can be put into a floating panel. More...
struct  FloatSanitizers
 A collection of little helper functions to clean float arrays. More...
class  FrontendHandler
 This class handles the file resources for compiled plugins. More...
class  FrontendProcessor
 This class lets you take your exported HISE presets and wrap them into a hardcoded plugin (VST / AU, x86/x64, Win / OSX) More...
class  GainEffect
 A utility effect that allows smooth gain changes, static delays and panning. More...
class  GlobalModulator
 A modulator that connects to a global modulator and uses its signal. More...
class  GlobalModulatorContainer
 A container that processes Modulator instances that can be used at different locations. More...
class  GlobalScriptCompileBroadcaster
 This class sends a message to all registered listeners. More...
class  GlobalScriptCompileListener
 A GlobalScriptCompileListener gets informed whenever a script was compiled. More...
class  GlobalStaticTimeVariantModulator
 A voice start modulator that connects to a global TimeVariantModulator (eg. More...
class  GlobalTimeVariantModulator
 A modulator that connects to a global TimeVariantModulator (eg. More...
class  GlobalVoiceStartModulator
 A modulator that connects to a global VoiceStartModulator (eg. More...
class  GUIUpdater
 Utility class that reduces the update rate to a common framerate (~30 fps) More...
class  HardcodedScriptProcessor
 The base class for all MidiProcessors that are hardcoded scripts. More...
class  HarmonicFilter
 A set of tuned hi-resonant peak filters that are set to the root frequency and harmonics of each note. More...
class  HiComboBox
 A combobox which can be controlled by the macro system. More...
class  HiseAudioSampleBufferComponent
 A component that displays the content of a buffer loaded into a AudioSampleProcessor. More...
class  HiseDeviceSimulator
 This class is used to simulate different devices. More...
class  HiseEvent
 The event type of HISE. More...
class  HiseEventBuffer
 The buffer type for the HiseEvent. More...
class  HiseJavascriptEngine
 The HISE Javascript Engine. More...
class  HiSlider
 A custom Slider class that automatically sets up its properties according to the specified mode. More...
class  ImageProvider
 A class that provides the image data from the binary resources. More...
class  Interpolator
 A utility class for linear interpolation between samples. More...
class  IppFFT
 A wrapper around the Intel IPP FFT routines. More...
class  JavascriptCodeEditor
 A subclass of CodeEditorComponent which improves working with Javascript scripts. More...
class  JavascriptMidiProcessor
 This scripting processor uses the JavaScript Engine to execute small scripts that can change the midi message. More...
class  JavascriptProcessor
 The base class for modules that can be scripted. More...
class  KeyModulator
 A constant Modulator which calculates a random value at the voice start. More...
class  LegatoProcessor
 Enables monophonic mode and retriggers the pressed key if there was a key release. More...
class  LfoModulator
 A Lfo Modulator modulates the signal with a low frequency. More...
class  LockfreeAsyncUpdater
 This is a non allocating alternative to the AsyncUpdater. More...
class  LockfreeQueue
 A wrapper around moodycamels ReaderWriterQueue with more JUCE like interface and some assertions. More...
class  LookupTableProcessor
 A Processor that uses a Table. More...
class  MacroControlBroadcaster
 A class that handles macro controlled parameters of its children. More...
class  MacroControlledObject
 A base class for all control Components that can be controlled by a MacroControlBroadcaster. More...
class  MacroModulator
 A Modulator that enhances the macro control system. More...
class  MainController
 The grand central station of HISE. More...
struct  MappingData
 A simple POD structure for basic mapping data. More...
class  MapWithKeyboard
 A wrapper class around a SamplerSoundMap which adds a keyboard that can be clicked to trigger the note. More...
class  MarkdownParser
 a simple markdown parser that renders markdown formatted code. More...
class  MasterEffectProcessor
 A MasterEffectProcessor renders a effect on a stereo signal. More...
class  MdaEffect
 Substitutes the VSTWrapper. More...
class  MdaEffectWrapper
 A Wrapper for the MDA effect plugins. More...
class  MidiChannelPanel
 Type-ID: MidiChannelList More...
class  MidiControllerAutomationHandler
 This handles the MIDI automation for the frontend plugin. More...
class  MidiDelay
 Delays all midi events by the specified amount. More...
class  MidiKeyboardPanel
 Type-ID: Keyboard More...
class  MidiProcessor
 A MidiProcessor processes a MidiBuffer. More...
class  MidiSourcePanel
 Type-ID: MidiSources More...
class  MidiTable
 A Table subclass that can be used for any 7bit data. More...
class  Modulation
 This is the base class for all modulation behaviour. More...
class  Modulator
 A modulator is a Processor that encapsulates modulation behaviour and returns a float value between 0.0 and 1.0. More...
class  ModulatorChain
 A chain of Modulators that can be processed serially. More...
class  ModulatorChainFactoryType
 Allows creation of TimeVariantModulators. More...
class  ModulatorSampler
 The main sampler class. More...
class  ModulatorSamplerSound
 A ModulatorSamplerSound is a wrapper around a StreamingSamplerSound that allows modulation of parameters. More...
class  ModulatorSamplerSoundPool
 This object acts as global pool for all samples used in an instance of the pluginIt uses reference counting to decide if a sound is used. More...
class  ModulatorSamplerVoice
 A ModulatorSamplerVoice is a wrapper around a StreamingSamplerVoice with logic for modulation stuff. More...
class  ModulatorSynth
 The base class for all sound generators in HISE. More...
class  ModulatorSynthChain
 A ModulatorSynthChain processes multiple independent ModulatorSynth instances serially. More...
class  ModulatorSynthGroup
 A ModulatorSynthGroup is a collection of tightly coupled ModulatorSynth that are processed together. More...
class  ModulatorSynthGroupVoice
 This class acts as wrapper in a ModulatorSynthGroup for all child synth voices. More...
class  ModulatorSynthVoice
 This voice calculates the ModulatorChains of the ModulatorSynth it belongs to. More...
class  MonophonicEnvelope
 This class only exists for the Iterator. More...
class  MPEModulator
 A modulator that uses MPE messages to create modulation. More...
class  MultiChannelFilter
 A base class for filters with multiple channels. More...
class  MultiMicModulatorSamplerVoice
 A ModulatorSamplerVoice is a wrapper around a StreamingSamplerVoice with logic for modulation stuff. More...
class  MultithreadedLockfreeQueue
 A wrapper around moodycamels ConcurrentQueue with more JUCE like interface and some assertions. More...
class  MuteAllScriptProcessor
 Mutes the incoming note-on messages, but leaves everything else through. More...
class  NoGlobalEnvelopeConstrainer
 Deactivates Global Envelopes (this is used in Global Containers. More...
class  NoGlobalsConstrainer
 Deactivates Globals (this is used in Global Containers. More...
class  NoiseSynth
 A simple noise generator. More...
class  NoMidiInputConstrainer
 This constrainer removes all Modulators that depend on midi input. More...
class  Note
 Type-ID: Note. More...
class  ObjectWithDefaultProperties
 A base class for objects that can be stored and restored using DynamicObject. More...
class  PathFactory
 A simple interface class. More...
class  PerformanceLabelPanel
 Type-ID: PerformanceLabel More...
class  PhaseFX
 A general purpose phase effect used for phasers and stuff. More...
class  PitchDetection
 A wrapper class around the dywapitchtrack library that provides JUCE-type interface methods. More...
class  PitchwheelModulator
 A PitchwheelModulator is a non polyphonic TimeVariantModulator which processes pitch bend messages. More...
class  Plotter
 A plotter component that displays the Modulator valueYou can add values with addValue(). More...
class  PluginParameterAudioProcessor
 This AudioProcessor subclass removes some annoying virtual methods and allows PluginParameter objects to communicate with the host. More...
class  PolyFilterEffect
 The polyphonic filter module of HISE. More...
class  PolyshapeFX
 A polyphonic wave shaper. More...
class  PoolBase
 The base class for all resource pools. More...
class  PooledUIUpdater
 Coallescates timer updates. More...
struct  PoolHelpers
 Helper functions for the file pools. More...
class  PopupLabel
 A Label component that displays a popup menu when right clicked. More...
class  PopupWindow
 A small utility class that allows popups for console and plotter. More...
class  PresetBrowser
 A UI Component that handles the user preset organisation. More...
class  PresetBrowserPanel
 Type-ID: PresetBrowser More...
class  PresetHandler
 A helper class which provides loading and saving Processors to files and clipboard. More...
class  Processor
 The base class for all HISE modules in the signal path. More...
class  ProcessorDocumentation
 A object that holds all the documentation available for a certain processor. More...
class  ProcessorEditorBody
 A ProcessorEditorBody is an interface class that can be used to create a custom body for a certain processor. More...
class  ProcessorEditorChildComponent
 a base class for all components that can be put in a ProcessorEditor. More...
class  ProcessorEditorContainer
 The container that holds all vertically stacked ProcessorEditors. More...
class  ProcessorEditorHeader
 A ProcessorEditorHeader is a bar that resides on top of every ProcessorEditor. More...
class  ProcessorHelpers
 Some handy helper functions that are using mainly the Iterator. More...
class  ProcessorWithScriptingContent
 A class that has a content that can be populated with script components. More...
class  ProjectHandler
 This class handles the file management inside HISE. More...
class  Ramper
 A Ramper applies linear ramping to a value. More...
class  RandomModulator
 A constant Modulator which calculates a random value at the voice start. More...
class  RegexFunctions
 A Helper class that encapsulates the regex operations. More...
class  ReleaseTriggerScriptProcessor
 Allows release trigger functionality with a time variant decrease of the velocity. More...
class  RestorableObject
 A base class for all objects that can be saved as value tree. More...
class  RoundRobinMap
 A data container which stores information about the amount of round robin groups for each notenumber / velocity combination. More...
class  RoutableProcessor
 A Processor with flexible audio routingA processor that uses multiple audio channels can be subclassed from this class to allow handling of the routing matrix. More...
class  RouteEffect
 A signal chain tool that allows to duplicate and send the signal to other channels to build AUX signal paths. More...
class  SafeChangeBroadcaster
 A drop in replacement for the ChangeBroadcaster class from JUCE but with weak references. More...
class  SafeChangeListener
 A class for message communication between objects. More...
struct  SafeFunctionCall
 A wrapper around a lambda that will get executed with the given processor as argument. More...
class  SampleComponent
 A simple rectangle which represents a ModulatorSamplerSound within a SamplerSoundMap. More...
class  SampleImporter
 This class handles all import logic for different sample formats. More...
class  SampleLoader
 This is a utility class that handles buffered sample streaming in a background thread. More...
class  SampleLookupTable
 A Table subclass that contains sample data with the fixed size of 512. More...
class  SampleMap
 A SampleMap is a data structure that encapsulates all data loaded into an ModulatorSampler. More...
class  SampleMapSearcher
 A SampleMapSearcher searches a preset files for samplemaps and stores them in a list for the SampleExporter. More...
class  SampleRaster
 The SampleRaster is a small utility processor that quantisizes timestamps of midi data to a specific step size. More...
class  SamplerSoundMap
 A component which displays all loaded ModulatorSamplerSounds and allows editing of their properties. More...
class  SamplerSoundTable
 A table component containing all samples of a ModulatorSampler. More...
class  SamplerSoundWaveform
 A component that displays the waveform of a sample. More...
class  SamplerSubEditor
 A base class for all sample editing components. More...
class  SamplerTable
 [Comments] An auto-generated component, created by the Introjucer. More...
class  SaturatorEffect
 A simple saturator effect. More...
class  ScopedGlitchDetector
 A small helper class that detects a timeout. More...
class  ScopedNoDenormals
 A small helper class that uses RAII for enabling flush to zero mode. More...
class  ScriptBaseMidiProcessor
 This class acts as base class for both ScriptProcessor and HardcodedScriptProcessor. More...
class  ScriptComponentEditBroadcaster
 This class handles the communication between ScriptComponentEditListeners. More...
class  ScriptComponentEditListener
 A class that will get updated whenever the selection of currently selected components changes. More...
class  ScriptContentComponent
 A component that can be populated with GUI elements by a script. More...
class  ScriptCreatedComponentWrapper
 A baseclass for the wrappers of script created components. More...
class  ScriptingApi
 This class wraps all available functions for the scripting engine provided by a ScriptProcessor. More...
class  ScriptingObject
 The base class for all scripting API classes. More...
class  ScriptingObjects
 This class wrapps all available objects that can be created by a script. More...
struct  SettingWindows
 Contains all Setting windows that can popup and edit a specified XML file. More...
class  SfzGroupSelectorComponent
 [Comments] An auto-generated component, created by the Introjucer. More...
class  SfzGroupSelectorDialog
 [Comments] An auto-generated component, created by the Introjucer. More...
class  SfzImporter
 Handles the importing of SFZ sample files. More...
class  ShapeFX
 A general purpose waveshaper effect. More...
class  SharedCache
 This class extends the pool to a global data storage used across all instances of the plugin. More...
class  SharedPoolBase
 Implementations of the data pool. More...
class  SimpleEnvelope
 The most simple envelope (only attack and release). More...
class  SimpleReverbEffect
 A simple (and cheap sounding) reverb effectThis is the Freeverb algorithm found in JUCE wrapped into a HISE effect. More...
class  SineSynth
 A sine wave generator. More...
class  SliderPack
 A Component which contains multiple Sliders which support dragging & bipolar display. More...
class  SliderPackData
 The data model for a SliderPack component. More...
class  SliderPackProcessor
 A Processor that uses a SliderPack. More...
class  SlotFX
 A placeholder for another effect that can be swapped pretty conveniently. More...
struct  StereoChannelData
 A simple data struct for a stereo channel. More...
class  StereoEffect
 A simple stereo panner which can be modulated using all types of Modulators. More...
class  StreamingSamplerSound
 A SamplerSound which provides buffered disk streaming using memory mapped file access and a preloaded sample start. More...
class  StreamingSamplerVoice
 A SamplerVoice that streams the data from a StreamingSamplerSound. More...
class  Table
 A table is a data structure that allows editing of a look up table with a TableEditor. More...
class  TableEditor
 A editor for the Table object, which represents a curve with different resolutions. More...
class  TableEnvelope
 A Envelope that uses two Tables for the attack and release time. More...
class  TccContext
 A RAII wrapper around the TCC compiler. More...
class  TempoListener
 This class is a listener class that can react to tempo changes. More...
class  TempoSyncer
 A class that handles tempo syncing. More...
class  ThreadWithQuasiModalProgressWindow
 A thread that automatically pops up a modal dialog box with a progress bar and cancel button while it's busy running. More...
class  TimeModulation
 If a modulator subclasses this, you can calculate varying modulation values over a time. More...
class  TimeVariantModulator
 A Modulator that calculates its return value for every processed sample. More...
class  TimeVariantModulatorFactoryType
 Allows creation of TimeVariantModulators. More...
class  TooltipPanel
 Type-ID: TooltipPanel More...
class  Transposer
 Transposes all midi note messages by the specified amount. More...
class  UnorderedStack
 A container that has a unsorted but packed list of elements. More...
class  UpdateDispatcher
 This class is used to coallescate multiple calls to an asynchronous update for a given Listener. More...
class  ValueSettingComponent
 [Comments] An auto-generated component, created by the Introjucer. More...
class  VarRegister
 A VarRegister is a container with a fixed amount of var slots that can be used for faster variable access in the Javascript engine. More...
class  VelocityModulator
 This modulator changes the output depending on the velocity of note on messages. More...
class  ViewInfo
 A ViewInfo Object contains all EditorStates of every child processor. More...
class  ViewManager
 A ViewManager handles all logic for restorable view configurations. More...
class  VoiceCpuBpmComponent
 A component that shows the current statistics (voice count, CPU usage etc.). More...
class  VoiceEffectProcessor
 A VoiceEffectProcessor will process each voice before it is summed up and allows polyphonic effects. More...
class  VoiceModulation
 If a Modulator is subclassed with VoiceModulation, it can handle multiple states for different voices. More...
class  VoiceStartModulator
 A Modulator that calculates its value only at the start of a voice. More...
class  VoiceStartModulatorFactoryType
 Allows creation of VoiceStartModulators. More...
class  VuMeter
 A level meter that for showing peak values. More...
class  WaveSynth
 A waveform generator based on BLIP synthesis of common synthesiser waveforms. More...
class  WavetableSynth
 A two-dimensional wavetable synthesiser. More...


using ProcessorFunction = SafeFunctionCall::Function
 A function prototype for lambdas passed into the suspended task system. More...

Detailed Description

The entire HISE codebase.

Typedef Documentation

A function prototype for lambdas passed into the suspended task system.

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