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SimpleEnvelope Class Reference

The most simple envelope (only attack and release). More...

Inheritance diagram for SimpleEnvelope:
EnvelopeModulator Modulator VoiceModulation TimeModulation Processor Modulation Modulation SafeChangeBroadcaster RestorableObject ControlledObject Dispatchable

Public Types

enum  SpecialParameters { Attack = EnvelopeModulator::Parameters::numParameters, Release, LinearMode }
 special parameters for SimpleEnvelope More...
- Public Types inherited from Processor
enum  InternalChains
 Overwrite this enum and list all internal chains. More...
enum  SpecialParameters
 Overwrite this enum and add new parameters. More...
- Public Types inherited from Modulation
enum  Mode { GainMode = 0, PitchMode, PanMode }
 There are two modes that Modulation can work: GainMode and PitchMode. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Modulator
 Modulator (MainController *m, const String &id, int numVoices)
 Creates a new modulator with the given Identifier. More...
virtual void setColour (Colour c)
 Sets the colour of the modulator. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Processor
void enableConsoleOutput (bool shouldBeEnabled)
 Enables the Processor to output messages to the Console. More...
bool getEditorState (int state) const
 Restores the state of the Processor's editor. More...
const String & getId () const
 Returns the unique id of the Processor instance (!= the Processor name). More...
virtual Identifier getIdentifierForParameterIndex (int parameterIndex) const
 This returns a Identifier with the name of the parameter. More...
float getInputValue () const
 This can be used to display the Processors input value. More...
int getLargestBlockSize () const
 Returns the block size. More...
virtual const String getName () const
 Overwrite this and return a pretty name. More...
int getNumParameters () const
 This returns the number of (named) parameters. More...
float getOutputValue () const
 This can be used to display the Processors output value. More...
double getSampleRate () const
 Returns the sample rate. More...
const Path getSymbol () const
 Returns the symbol of the Processor. More...
virtual const Identifier getType () const =0
 Overwrite this method to specify the name. More...
int getVoiceAmount () const noexcept
 getNumVoices() is occupied by the Synthesiser class, d'oh!
bool isBypassed () const noexcept
 Returns true if the processor is bypassed. More...
 Processor (MainController *m, const String &id_, int numVoices)
 Creates a new Processor with the given Identifier. More...
void restoreCompleteEditorState (const XmlElement *storedState)
 Restores the EditorState from a BigInteger that was retrieved using getCompleteEditorState. More...
void setAttribute (int parameterIndex, float newValue, juce::NotificationType notifyEditor)
 Changes a Processor parameter. More...
virtual void setBypassed (bool shouldBeBypassed, NotificationType notifyChangeHandler=dontSendNotification) noexcept
 This bypasses the processor. More...
void setEditorState (int state, bool isOn, NotificationType notifyView=sendNotification)
 Saves the state of the Processor's editor. More...
void setIsOnAir (bool isBeingProcessedInAudioThread)
 Call this method after inserting the processor in the signal chain. More...
void setSymbol (Path newSymbol)
 Sets a special symbol for the Processor. More...
virtual ~Processor ()
 Overwrite this if you need custom destruction behaviour. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from SafeChangeBroadcaster
void addChangeListener (SafeChangeListener *listener)
 Registers a listener to receive change callbacks from this broadcaster. More...
void removeAllChangeListeners ()
 Removes all listeners from the list. More...
void removeChangeListener (SafeChangeListener *listener)
 Unregisters a listener from the list. More...
void sendAllocationFreeChangeMessage ()
 This will send a message without allocating a message slot. More...
void sendChangeMessage (const String &=String())
 Causes an asynchronous change message to be sent to all the registered listeners. More...
void sendSynchronousChangeMessage ()
 Sends a synchronous change message to all the registered listeners. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ControlledObject
 ControlledObject (MainController *m)
 Creates a new ControlledObject. More...
const MainControllergetMainController () const noexcept
 Provides read-only access to the main controller. More...
MainControllergetMainController () noexcept
 Provides write access to the main controller. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Modulation
void applyModulationValue (float calculatedModulationValue, float &destinationValue) const noexcept
 This applies the previously calculated value to the supplied destination value depending on the modulation mode (adding or multiplying). More...
float calcIntensityValue (float calculatedModulationValue) const noexcept
 This applies the intensity to the given value and returns the applied value. More...
float getDisplayIntensity () const noexcept
 Returns the actual intensity of the Modulation. More...
float getIntensity () const noexcept
 Returns the intensity. More...
Mode getMode () const noexcept
 returns the mode the Modulator is operating. More...
void setIntensity (float newIntensity) noexcept
 Sets the intensity of the modulation. More...
void setIntensityFromSlider (float sliderValue) noexcept
 Use this method to set the intensity from the ModulatorEditorHeader's intensity slider converting linear -12 ... More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from TimeModulation
void applyTimeModulation (float *destinationBuffer, int startIndex, int samplesToCopy)
 This applies the intensity to the calculated values. More...
virtual const float * getCalculatedValues (int)
 Returns a read pointer to the calculated values. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Processor
void setInputValue (float newValue, NotificationType notify=sendNotification)
 Call this from the baseclass whenever you want its editor to display a input value change. More...
void setOutputValue (float newValue)
 Call this from the baseclass whenever you want its editor to display a value change. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TimeModulation
void applyGainModulation (float *calculatedModulationValues, float *destinationValues, float fixedIntensity, int numValues) const noexcept
 a vectorized version of the calcIntensityValue() and applyModulationValue() for Gain modulation with a fixed intensity value. More...
void applyGainModulation (float *calculatedModulationValues, float *destinationValues, float fixedIntensity, const float *intensityValues, int numValues) const noexcept
 A vectorized version of the calcIntensityValue() and applyModulationValue() for Gain modulation with varying intensities. More...
void applyPitchModulation (float *calculatedModulationValues, float *destinationValues, float fixedIntensity, const float *intensityValues, int numValues) const noexcept
 A vectorized version of the calcIntensityValue() and applyModulationValue() for Pitch modulation with varying intensities. More...
void applyPitchModulation (float *calculatedModulationValues, float *destinationValues, float fixedIntensity, int numValues) const noexcept
 a vectorized version of the calcIntensityValue() and applyModulationValue() for Pitch modulation with a fixed intensity value. More...
virtual bool isInitialized ()
 Checks if the prepareToPlay method has been called. More...
virtual void prepareToModulate (double, int samplesPerBlock)
 Creates the internal buffer with double the size of the expected buffer block size.
- Protected Attributes inherited from EnvelopeModulator
OwnedArray< ModulatorStatestates
 Use this array to access the state. More...

Detailed Description

The most simple envelope (only attack and release).

It has an attack and release time that can be modified by an internal modulator chain, which are calculated at the note-on (attack) and note-off (release) time. You have to specify a sampleRate using the prepareToPlay method or the modulator will not be working!

ID Parameter Description
0 Attack the attack time in milliseconds
1 Release the release time in milliseconds

It simply ramps up the signal linearly, so it does not sound very good when used for longer attack / release times.

Member Enumeration Documentation

special parameters for SimpleEnvelope


the attack time in milliseconds


the release time in milliseconds


toggles between linear and exponential mode

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