virtual void | addProcessorsWhenEmpty () |
| Adds a SimpleEnvelope to a empty ModulatorSynth to prevent clicks. More...
virtual bool | areVoicesActive () const |
| Call this from the message thread and it'll kill all voices at the next buffer. More...
virtual int | collectSoundsToBeStarted (const HiseEvent &m) |
| This method should go through all sounds that are playable and fill the soundsToBeStarted array. More...
float | getBalance (bool getRightChannelGain) const |
| Returns the calculated (equal power) pan value for either the left or the right channel. More...
const float * | getConstantPitchValues () const |
| Returns the pointer to the calculated pitch buffers for the ModulatorSynthVoice's render callback. More...
ModulatorSynthVoice * | getFreeVoice (SynthesiserSound *s, int midiChannel, int midiNoteNumber) |
| Returns a read pointer to the calculated pitch values. More...
float | getGain () const |
| Returns the gain of the ModulatorSynth from 0.0 to 1.0. More...
ModulatorSynthGroup * | getGroup () const |
| Returns the ModulatorSynthGroup that this ModulatorSynth belongs to. More...
int | getIndexInGroup () const |
| Returns the index of the child synth if it resides in a group and -1 if not. More...
float * | getPitchValuesForVoice () const |
| Returns a read pointer to the calculated pitch values. More...
ModulatorSynth * | getPlayingSynth () |
| Returns either itself or the group that is playing its voices. More...
int | getVoiceIndex (const SynthesiserVoice *v) const |
| Returns the voice index for the voice (the index in the internal voice array). More...
void | handleHiseEvent (const HiseEvent &e) |
| Same functionality as Synthesiser::handleMidiEvent(), but sends the midi event to all Modulators in the chains. More...
virtual void | handleRetriggeredNote (ModulatorSynthVoice *voice) |
| specifies the behaviour when a note is started that is already ringing. More...
virtual void | initRenderCallback () |
| Clears the internal buffer. More...
bool | isInGroup () const |
| Checks if the Synth was added to a group. More...
void | killAllVoicesWithNoteNumber (int noteNumber) |
| Kills the note with the specified note number. More...
int | killLastVoice (bool allowTailOff=true) |
| Kills the voice that is playing for the longest time. More...
void | noteOn (const HiseEvent &m) |
| Same functionality as Synthesiser::noteOn(), but calls calculateVoiceStartValue() if a new voice is started. More...
void | postVoiceRendering (int startSample, int numThisTime) |
| This method is called to handle all modulatorchains after the voice rendering and handles the GUI metering. More...
virtual void | prepareToPlay (double sampleRate, int samplesPerBlock) |
| This sets up the synth and the ModulatorChains. More...
virtual void | preVoiceRendering (int startSample, int numThisTime) |
| This method is called to handle all modulatorchains just before the voice rendering. More...
virtual void | renderNextBlockWithModulators (AudioSampleBuffer &outputAudio, const HiseEventBuffer &inputMidi) |
| Call this instead of Synthesiser::renderNextBlock to let the ModulatorChains to their work. More...
void | renderVoice (int startSample, int numThisTime) |
| This method is called to actually render all voices. More...
void | setBalance (float newBalance) |
| sets the balance from -1.0 (left) to 1.0 (right) and applies a equal power pan rule. More...
void | setClockSpeed (ClockSpeed newClockSpeed) |
| Sets the interval for the internal clock callback. More...
void | setGain (float newGain) |
| sets the gain of the ModulatorSynth from 0.0 to 1.0. More...
void | setGroup (ModulatorSynthGroup *parent) |
| Sets the parent group. More...
virtual bool | soundCanBePlayed (ModulatorSynthSound *sound, int midiChannel, int midiNoteNumber, float velocity) |
| Checks if the message fits the sound, but can be overriden to implement other group start logic. More...
void | enableConsoleOutput (bool shouldBeEnabled) |
| Enables the Processor to output messages to the Console. More...
bool | getEditorState (int state) const |
| Restores the state of the Processor's editor. More...
const String & | getId () const |
| Returns the unique id of the Processor instance (!= the Processor name). More...
virtual Identifier | getIdentifierForParameterIndex (int parameterIndex) const |
| This returns a Identifier with the name of the parameter. More...
float | getInputValue () const |
| This can be used to display the Processors input value. More...
int | getLargestBlockSize () const |
| Returns the block size. More...
virtual const String | getName () const |
| Overwrite this and return a pretty name. More...
int | getNumParameters () const |
| This returns the number of (named) parameters. More...
float | getOutputValue () const |
| This can be used to display the Processors output value. More...
double | getSampleRate () const |
| Returns the sample rate. More...
const Path | getSymbol () const |
| Returns the symbol of the Processor. More...
virtual const Identifier | getType () const =0 |
| Overwrite this method to specify the name. More...
int | getVoiceAmount () const noexcept |
| getNumVoices() is occupied by the Synthesiser class, d'oh!
bool | isBypassed () const noexcept |
| Returns true if the processor is bypassed. More...
| Processor (MainController *m, const String &id_, int numVoices) |
| Creates a new Processor with the given Identifier. More...
void | restoreCompleteEditorState (const XmlElement *storedState) |
| Restores the EditorState from a BigInteger that was retrieved using getCompleteEditorState. More...
void | setAttribute (int parameterIndex, float newValue, juce::NotificationType notifyEditor) |
| Changes a Processor parameter. More...
void | setEditorState (int state, bool isOn, NotificationType notifyView=sendNotification) |
| Saves the state of the Processor's editor. More...
void | setIsOnAir (bool isBeingProcessedInAudioThread) |
| Call this method after inserting the processor in the signal chain. More...
void | setSymbol (Path newSymbol) |
| Sets a special symbol for the Processor. More...
virtual | ~Processor () |
| Overwrite this if you need custom destruction behaviour. More...
void | addChangeListener (SafeChangeListener *listener) |
| Registers a listener to receive change callbacks from this broadcaster. More...
void | removeAllChangeListeners () |
| Removes all listeners from the list. More...
void | removeChangeListener (SafeChangeListener *listener) |
| Unregisters a listener from the list. More...
void | sendAllocationFreeChangeMessage () |
| This will send a message without allocating a message slot. More...
void | sendChangeMessage (const String &=String()) |
| Causes an asynchronous change message to be sent to all the registered listeners. More...
void | sendSynchronousChangeMessage () |
| Sends a synchronous change message to all the registered listeners. More...
| ControlledObject (MainController *m) |
| Creates a new ControlledObject. More...
const MainController * | getMainController () const noexcept |
| Provides read-only access to the main controller. More...
MainController * | getMainController () noexcept |
| Provides write access to the main controller. More...
void | editRouting (Component *childComponent) |
| Opens a routing editor in the quasi modal popup. More...
int | getLeftDestinationChannel () const |
| Quick way to get the left target channel. More...
int | getLeftSourceChannel () const |
| Quick way to get the left channel for processing. More...
int | getRightDestinationChannel () const |
| Quick way to get the right target channel. More...
int | getRightSourceChannel () const |
| Quick way to get the right channel for processing. More...
The base class for all sound generators in HISE.
It is a extension of the juce::Synthesiser class with the following additions:
- slots for adding MIDI processing modules, modulators and effects
- usage of the HiseEvent type instead of the MidiMessage.
If you're know your way around writing a sound generator based on the juce::Synthesiser class, the adaption to this class should be very straight forward.