This is the complete list of members for MacroModulator, including all inherited members.
addChangeListener(SafeChangeListener *listener) | SafeChangeBroadcaster | |
addTableChangeListener(SafeChangeListener *listener) | LookupTableProcessor | |
applyGainModulation(float *calculatedModulationValues, float *destinationValues, float fixedIntensity, int numValues) const noexcept | TimeModulation | protected |
applyGainModulation(float *calculatedModulationValues, float *destinationValues, float fixedIntensity, const float *intensityValues, int numValues) const noexcept | TimeModulation | protected |
applyModulationValue(float calculatedModulationValue, float &destinationValue) const noexcept | Modulation | |
applyPitchModulation(float *calculatedModulationValues, float *destinationValues, float fixedIntensity, const float *intensityValues, int numValues) const noexcept | TimeModulation | protected |
applyPitchModulation(float *calculatedModulationValues, float *destinationValues, float fixedIntensity, int numValues) const noexcept | TimeModulation | protected |
applyTimeModulation(float *destinationBuffer, int startIndex, int samplesToCopy) | TimeModulation | |
calcIntensityValue(float calculatedModulationValue) const noexcept | Modulation | |
checkLearnMode() | MacroControlledObject | protected |
ControlledObject(MainController *m) | ControlledObject | |
createEditor(ProcessorEditor *parentEditor) override | MacroModulator | virtual |
enableConsoleOutput(bool shouldBeEnabled) | Processor | inline |
enableMacroControlledComponent(bool shouldBeEnabled) noexcept | MacroControlledObject | inline |
GainMode enum value | Modulation | |
getCalculatedValues(int) | TimeModulation | virtual |
getDefaultValue(int) const | Processor | inlinevirtual |
getDisplayIntensity() const noexcept | Modulation | |
getEditorState(int state) const | Processor | inline |
getId() const | Processor | inline |
getIdentifierForParameterIndex(int parameterIndex) const | Processor | virtual |
getInputValue() const | Processor | inline |
getIntensity() const noexcept | Modulation | |
getLargestBlockSize() const | Processor | inline |
getMainController() const noexcept | ControlledObject | inline |
getMainController() noexcept | ControlledObject | inline |
getMode() const noexcept | Modulation | inline |
hise::getName() const | Processor | inlinevirtual |
hise::MacroControlledObject::getName() const noexcept | MacroControlledObject | inline |
getNumInternalChains() const | Processor | inlinevirtual |
getNumParameters() const | Processor | |
getNumTables() const | LookupTableProcessor | inlinevirtual |
getOutputValue() const | Processor | inline |
getSampleRate() const | Processor | inline |
getSymbol() const | Processor | inline |
getTable(int=0) const override | MacroModulator | inlinevirtual |
getType() const =0 | Processor | pure virtual |
getVoiceAmount() const noexcept | Processor | inline |
handleHiseEvent(const HiseEvent &m) override | MacroModulator | virtual |
InternalChains enum name | Processor | |
isBypassed() const noexcept | Processor | inline |
isInitialized() | TimeModulation | protectedvirtual |
MacroControlledObject() | MacroControlledObject | inline |
MacroIndex enum value | MacroModulator | |
Mode enum name | Modulation | |
Modulator(MainController *m, const String &id, int numVoices) | Modulator | |
PanMode enum value | Modulation | |
PitchMode enum value | Modulation | |
prepareToModulate(double, int samplesPerBlock) | TimeModulation | protectedvirtual |
prepareToPlay(double sampleRate, int samplesPerBlock) override | MacroModulator | virtual |
Processor(MainController *m, const String &id_, int numVoices) | Processor | |
removeAllChangeListeners() | SafeChangeBroadcaster | |
removeChangeListener(SafeChangeListener *listener) | SafeChangeBroadcaster | |
removeTableChangeListener(SafeChangeListener *listener) | LookupTableProcessor | |
restoreCompleteEditorState(const XmlElement *storedState) | Processor | inline |
sendAllocationFreeChangeMessage() | SafeChangeBroadcaster | |
sendChangeMessage(const String &=String()) | SafeChangeBroadcaster | |
sendSynchronousChangeMessage() | SafeChangeBroadcaster | |
sendTableIndexChangeMessage(bool sendSynchronous, Table *table, float tableIndex) | LookupTableProcessor | |
setAttribute(int parameterIndex, float newValue, juce::NotificationType notifyEditor) | Processor | inline |
setBypassed(bool shouldBeBypassed, NotificationType notifyChangeHandler=dontSendNotification) noexcept | Processor | inlinevirtual |
setColour(Colour c) | Modulator | virtual |
setEditorState(int state, bool isOn, NotificationType notifyView=sendNotification) | Processor | inline |
setInputValue(float newValue, NotificationType notify=sendNotification) | Processor | inlineprotected |
setIntensity(float newIntensity) noexcept | Modulation | |
setIntensityFromSlider(float sliderValue) noexcept | Modulation | |
setIsOnAir(bool isBeingProcessedInAudioThread) | Processor | |
setOutputValue(float newValue) | Processor | inlineprotected |
setSymbol(Path newSymbol) | Processor | inline |
setup(Processor *p, int parameter_, const String &name_) | MacroControlledObject | inlinevirtual |
SmoothTime enum value | MacroModulator | |
SpecialParameters enum name | MacroModulator | |
UseTable enum value | MacroModulator | |
~Processor() | Processor | virtual |