Utility Classes

A collection of small helper classes. More...


class  BalanceCalculator
 Calculates the balance. More...
class  DownsampledSmoother< DownsamplingFactor >
 A lowpass filter that can be used to smooth parameter changes. More...
class  ExecutionLimiter< Locktype >
 A counter which can be used to limit the frequency for eg. More...
struct  FloatSanitizers
 A collection of little helper functions to clean float arrays. More...
class  Interpolator
 A utility class for linear interpolation between samples. More...
class  PopupWindow
 A small utility class that allows popups for console and plotter. More...
class  PresetHandler
 A helper class which provides loading and saving Processors to files and clipboard. More...
class  Ramper
 A Ramper applies linear ramping to a value. More...
class  RegexFunctions
 A Helper class that encapsulates the regex operations. More...
class  TempoListener
 This class is a listener class that can react to tempo changes. More...
class  TempoSyncer
 A class that handles tempo syncing. More...

Detailed Description

A collection of small helper classes.

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